3/9/12 | 0 Comments | Top
I HAVE TO POST IT BECAUSE I JUST WANTED TO POST IT.Nano's actually a Japanese who was born in New York. She's really fluent in English and as well as her Engrish (term for Japanese people speaking in English with respect to their accent). She's been covering vocaloid and anime songs and often writes English lyrics from them.
She practically has a very unique voice and for a girl, she might sound like a guy and can be mistook at. (Even I did mistook her as a guy and might have tried asking her concerning her gender but didn't) So I looked up on her on about a few sites so I had a few information at hand because of it. XD
Her debut album, "nanoir", to be released on March 14, 2012. This is the first time I have been to eager to buy an album outside my country and even if it's a little hard to get a copy of it, I will try to get one myself! She's so far my favorite singer and she collaborates with famous music producers as well to make this album a success!
I am so happy to see a couple of good songs in this album and this is definitely not a waste if it was bought. Seeing History, Gallows Bell (Album ver.), Just be Friends (MuryokuP's Arrange) and of course, her debut song, Magenta. Her site has the discography of the album so check it out!
Also, she stated in her blog on her latest post that she will be singing Phi Brain's opening song for its second season this year! I can't wait to hear that song myself! I had never been this excited and not only me, also my classmates and friends are looking forward for more production this talented girl has.
Official Site: http://nanonano.me/
Twitter: https://twitter.com/#!/niconico_nano
Youtube: http://www.youtube.com/user/nanois2525
Labels: album, debut, music, nano, nanoir
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